web · ecommerce · music


March 31st, 2021

Meteor JS MongoDB AWS PayPal React SASS Redux Styled Components GitLab cypress



During our time working at SoundSurf, we were fortunate to be involved in lots of different technological aspects of the business: front end development, end-to-end testing with Cypress, database schema design, back end development, ecommerce, AWS cloud infrastructure provisioning, SEO, external API integration, mobile third-party authentication, building web scrapers, and even writing email marketing copy.

This page will show a few samples of the work, focusing on front end development as this can easily be demonstrated using pictures. Please note that most of this was delivered without a full-time UI/UX designer.

Live Streams

This was designed to allow content creators to stage virtual concerts and sell tickets and associated merchandise to their fanbase. It proved fairly successful, generating some promising revenue streams for both Sound-Surf and the content creators.

In addition to ticket sales and the live streaming functionality, we also added sales dashboards, CSV exports of ticket/merchandise sales and purchaser information, and multiple scheduled emails to all relevant parties.

SS-ls-1 Live Streams homepage

SS-ls-2 Original ticket and merchandise bundle purchase flow

SS-ls-3 Ticket sales dashboard with CSV export options

Video PPV

We also implemented a video PPV system which allowed content creators to hide their video content behind a paywall. Around the same time, we also overhauled the previous video UI to help promote the new feature.

The PPV scheme went on to generate significant revenue for the business.

SS-ppv-1 Video UI - designed to improve PPV sales

Notification Centre

This was a feature to keep SoundSurf creators informed about new sales, subscriptions and all other activites in their account. We created the UI and also implemented some complex MongoDB queries to perform joins across multiple database collections.

SS-notes Notifications dashboard – keeping people updated at all times

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James Does Digital
Software Development
Cloud Computing
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